Importance of Education In Society

Importance of Education In Society

Importance of Education In Society

Importance of  Education ” With the help of education you  can change your life because it is a way from dark to light ” Education is very important for all to be successful and to become a better person. It enhances our knowledge, thoughts, develop confidence and help to discover our skills. Education is important in our life because it is a great weapon to change ones life. With the help of education we were able to read and write. People improve their lives with the help of Education. Educated people realize the value of time, they are mature, they not believe in sophistication, they easily convince people to their point of view. Our parents are our first teacher that they teach how to behave, how to act, how to learn, how to speak. Education helps society  by spreading knowledge and it also  helps in  development and technology.If the education is more the technology will spread more.The government took many steps for education.If the citizens of our country are uneducated the country can’t mydeveloped.Education promotes health and prevent from wars.Education is important for all men and women’s.A women without education can never stand alone.With the help of education we are able to protect ourselves from bad habits.Education is the ability to meet life situations, events, and much more. Conclusion: Education is a hope for a good life. Education is a basic right of every Human.Uneducated people is the worst thing for Humanity.Education is the one thing that no one can take it from you.

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