PARC, NARC-Jobs, Agriculture Plant Pathology MCQs for Written Test-2024 for the Post of Scientific Officer and Assistant Scientific Officer Part-IV

Asslamu Alikum friends’ Here I’m sharing PARC, NARC-Jobs, Agriculture Plant Pathology MCQs for Written Test-2024 for the Post of Scientific Officer and Assistant Scientific Officer Part-IV

1. The trade name of Chlorothalonil is
a) Daconil b) Emisan c) Glyodin d) Foltof

2. Curzate, a systemic fungicide is specific to
a) Downy mildew b) Powdery mildew c) Smuts d) Wilts

3. The primary source of inoculum for the stem and fruit canker of tomato is
a) Soil borne only b) Seed borne only c) Soil and seed-borne d) Airborne

4. The genome of Tomato leaf curl virus is
a) ss RNA b) ds RNA c) ss DNA d) ds DNA

5. A typical symptom of bird’s eye spot is caused by
a) Ralstonia solanacearum b) Xanthomonas camqestris sub spp. campestris c) X.c.pv. vgsicatoria d) Clavibacter michiganense suf sp. michiganense

6. The position of the antheridium in connection with the oogonia in Albugo is called as perigynous when the antheridium
a) grows beside the oogonium b) encircles the oogonium c) remains at the base of the oogonium d) grows on the oogonial wall

7. The centifolia effect is caused by to loss of
a) Horizontal resistance b) Vertical resistance c) Apparent resistance d) All

8. The fertile portion in the fruiting body of Lycoperdon is called
a) Gleba b) Peridium c) Hymenium d) Gills

9. Tomato mosaic is transmitted by
a) Aphids b) Seed c) Sap d) Both b and c

10. Little leaf of Brinjal is caused by
a) Phytoplasma b) Virus c) Viroid d) Bacteria

11. A fungus-causing wart of potatoes is
a) A saprophyte b) A facultative parasite c) A facultative saprophyte d) An obligate

12. A long flexuous filamentous ssRNA virus is
a) Potato virus X b) Cucumber mosaic virus c) Beet yellow virus d) Tomato mosaic virus

13. The fruiting body of Colletotrichum capsici is
a) Acervulus b) Perithecia c) Pycnidia d) Sporodochium

14. A toxic substance produced by Trichoderma viridae is
a) Gliovirin b) Viridin c) Subtilin d) Pseudobactin

15. The famous Irish famine occurred in the year
a) 1845 b) 1854 c) 1880 d) 1865

16. The resistant structure produced by Fusarium sp. is
a) Sclerotia b) Stroma c) Conidia d) Chlamydospores

17. Macrocyclic rust is the name given to some fungi,
a) which produces bigger spores b) where all the five spore stages are produced c) which completes its life-cycle on a single host d) which selects many hosts to complete its life cycle

18. The bacterial canker of tomatoes is caused by
a) Xanthomonas campestris.pv. vesicatoria b) X. campestris.pv.malvacearum c) Clavibacter michiganense sub sp. michiganense d) Ralstonia solanacearum

19. The indicator plant used for citrus greening
a) Kagzi lime b) Sweet orange c) Trifoliate orange d) Rangapur lime

20. The type of nucleic acid present in the yellow mosaic of Bhendi is
a) ss RNA b) ds RNA c) ss DNA d) ds DNA

21. Powdery mildew of chili is caused by
a) Erysiphe polygon b) Erysiphe cichoracearum c) Leveillula taurica d) Sphaerotheca fuliginia

22. Pea rust is caused by
a) Puccinia b) Uromyces c) Phakospora d) Urocystis

23. The local quarantine regulation for Katte disease of cardamom is prevalent in
a) Kerela b) Tamil Nadu c) Karanataka d) Maharastra

24. The black spot of the Rose is caused by
a) Cercospora sp b) Alternaria sp c) Diplocarpon sp. d) Colletotrichum sp.

25. A disease caused by Colletotrichum circulars in onion is
a) Black rot b) Soft rot c) Black mold d) Smudge

26. Fungi belonging to the order Ustilaginales are known to cause
a) Rusts b) Ergots c) Smuts d) All of these

27. A button-like structure which penetrates the host and draws nutrients
a) Rhizoid b) Appressorium c) Rhizomorph d) Haustoria

28. A plant viral disease of seed-borne nature
a) Potato virus b) Cassava virus c) Common bean mosaic virus d) TMV

29. A disease affecting food conduction in plant
a) Vascular wilt b) Root rots c) Sandal spike d) Soft rots

30. What is the fruit body of Penicillium called
a) perithecium b) cleistothecium c) apothecium d) stroma

31. Who was considered as the founder of virology?
a) W.M. Stanley b) Beijerinck c) T.O.Diener d) A.E.Mayer

32. Sporangia are produced in chains
a) Pythium b) Phytophthora c) Oidium d) Albugo

33. Ostiolate ascocarp is known as
a) Cleistothecium b) Perithecium c) Apothecium d) Ascostromata

34. A bacterial genus which enters through nectarines is
a) Psedomonas b) Xanthomonas c) Erwinia d) Bacillus

35. An endophytic powdery mildew genus having cleistothecial characters like indefinite
myceloid appendages
a) Microsphaera b) Sphaerotheca c) Phyllactinia d) Leveillula

36. A tuft of flagella on one or both ends is called
a) Amphitrichous b) Lophotrichous c) Peritrichous d) Monotrichous

37. Prokaryote without the cell wall
a) Bacteria b) Richetssia-like organisms c) Bacteria-like organisms d) Spiroplasma

38. Low molecular weight infectious RNA without a protein envelope is
a) Virusoid b) Virus c) Ca deficiency d) Viroid

39. Robigalia was celebrated by Romans against
a) Smuts b) Blights c) Rusts d) Both

40. The fungus which is so important for its use in genetic studies is
a) Aspergillus b) Rhizopus c) Penicillium d) Neurospora

41. A partial root parasite of trees
a) Sandal b) Cuscuta c) Striga d) Loranthus

42. Cross protection can be achieved by inoculating the plants first with
a) Attenuated strain b) Mild strain of the same virus c) Mild strain of different virus d) Severe strain

43. Use of antibiotics in plant disease control is by
a) G. Rangaswamy b) Coleman c) M.J.Thirumalachar d) J.C.Luthra

44. Highly contagious virus
a) Cucumber mosaic virus b) Tobacco mosaic virus c) Potato leaf roll virus d) Tomato leaf roll virus

45. A plant viral disease of seed-borne nature
a) Potato virus-X b) Cassava mosaic c) Both a and b d) None

46. Dikaryotic mycelium is a distinct feature of fungi belonging to
a) Ascomycotina b) Diplomastigomycotina c) Deuteromycotina d) Basidiomycotina

47. Bio-agents used in the management of airborne diseases
a) Trichoderma viridae b) Pseudomonas fluorescence c) Both a and b d) Trichoderma harzianum

48. Microconidia are found in
a) Claviceps b) Neurospora c) Rhizoctonia d) Pyricularia

49. Plant pathogenic bacteria having relevance in genetic engineering
a) Xanthomonas b) Agrobacterium c) Pseudomonas d) Erwinia

50. In Agaricus, the cell in which reduction division takes place is known as
a) basidiospore b) basidium c) chlamydospore d) None

PARC Jobs, NARC-Jobs, Agriculture Plant Pathology MCQs for Written Test-2024 for the Post of Scientific Officer and Assistant Scientific Officer Part-IV

51. Xanthomonas penetrates the host tissue through
a) Lenticels b) Stomata c) Root hairs d) Stigma

52. Reproduction in Basidiomycetous fungi is through
a) Spermatization b) Somatogamy c) a or b d) Both a and b

53. A practical and feasible method of managing soil borne diseases is through
a) Chemotherapy b) Crop rotation c) Biological control d) Use of disease-resistant varieties

54. A systemic fungicide is
a) Copper oxychloride b) Hexacanozole c) Dinocap d) Carbendazim

55. Stroma is
a) compact somatic hyphae with fruit bodies b) a group of spores c) loosely interwoven hyphae d) a small hyphal branch

56. All plant pathogenic bacteria are
a) Facultative saprophytes b) Facultative parasites c) Obligate parasites d) Perthrotrophs

57. A culturable cell wall-less fastidious prokaryote causing plant diseases is
a) Richetssia-like organisms b) Phytoplasma c) Spiroplasma d) Bacteria-organism

58. Mycelium of class Oomycetes is always
a) Coenocytic b) Septate c) Cross septa d) None

59. The nuclear position of redial stage in rust fungi is
a) n b) 2n c) n+n d) None

60. Streptomycin sulfate, an antibiotic was isolated by
a) Rangaswami b) Millardet c) Waksmann d) Thirumalachar

61. Tur wilt is caused by
a) Sclerotium rolfsii b) Rhizoctonia solani c) Fusarium udum d) Fusarium oxysporum fsp. cubense

62. Race-specific resistance is called
a) Vertical resistance b) Horizontal resistance c) Adult plant resistance d) Apparent resistance

63. L.C.Coleman was a general pathologist during 1914 but worked and suggested
control measures for
a) Koleroga of Areca b) Tur wilt c) Late blight of potato d) Blister blight of Cocoa

64. Exobasidium vexans which causes
a) Blight of coffee b) Blister blight of tea c) Blister blight of Cocoa d) Red rust of tea

65. Early blight of potato and tomato caused by
a) Alternaria solani b) Alternaria alternata c) Alternaria helianthi d) Alternaria tenuis

66. Downy mildew causing pathogens, powdery mildew causing pathogens and
rust causing pathogens are
a) Obligate parasites b) Facultative saprophytes c) Obligate saprophytes d) Facultative parasites

67. The phanerogamic parasite with the Sorghum crop
a) Striga b) Orobanche c) Loranthus d) Cuscuta

68. Teliospores are single celled, papillate and stalked, the genus identified as
a) Puccinia b) Phragmidium c) Uromyces d) Hemilia

69. One of the chemical weapons secreted by the pathogen in production of disease in plants
a) Pathogen related proteins b) Phytotoxins c) Phytoalexins d) Toxins

70. The word virus mean
a) Toxin b) Enzyme c) Posion d) Antibiotic

71. Conidia are produced singly at the tips of conidiophores by
a) Uncinula spp b) Leveillula c) Erysiphe spp d) Microsphaera spp.

72. When plant shows the partial resistance against all the races of pathogen then it is a type of:
a) Horizontal resistance b) Vertical resistance c) Induced resistance d) Non-host resistance

73. The teliospore of coffee leaf rust pathogen is
a) Turnip shaped b) Bean shaped c) Sickle-shaped d) dumbbell-shaped

74. Which one of the following cannot be detected by the ELISA technique?
a) Virus b) Bacteria c) Viroid d) Fungus

75. Viruses are
a) Purely protein b) Purely nucleic acids c) Nucleoproteins d) None of these

76. Bacteriophages were discovered by
a) F.Towort b) Felix d Herelle c) Beijernick d) a&b

77. In a long-cycled rust, the “0” stage refers to
a) Aecium b) Uredium c) Pycnium d) Basidium

78. Who is known as the Father of virology
a) Adolf Mayer b) M.W. Beijernick c) D.Ivanowaski d) Stanley

79. Virus know during the 17th century in Europe
a) Tulip color break b) TMV c) CMV d) SMV

80. Viruses that replicate by reverse transcription
a) CaMV b) TMV c) Begomo virus d) Poty virus

81. Banana Streak Virus is transmitted by
a) Mealybug b) Thrips c) Whitefly d) Mite

82. Viruses which have ORFs that may be translated into proteins in both directions
a) Begomoviruses b) Potyviruses c) Tobamoviruses d) Cucumoviruses

83. The protein content in a bacterial cell on dry weight basis is
a) 15 % b) 60 % c) 95 % d) 45%

84. All Reo viruses causes galls expect
a) Wound Tumour virus b) Rice gall dwarf virus c) Rice dwarf virus d) None

85. The most widely used granulated formulations have granule size of
a) 0.1 to 1 mm b) 0.2 to 1 mm c) 0.3 to 1 mm d) 0.4 to 1 mm

86. The additive chemicals which possess surface modifying properties are called as
a) Wetting agents b) Spreaders c) Penetrants d) Surfactants

87. Components of Chestnut compound are 1) Copper sulphate 2) Ammonium carbonate 3) washing soda 4) Quick lime
a) 1 only b) 1 and 2 only c) 1, 2 and 3 only d) All the above

88. The great Bengal famine in 1943 was due to
a) Paddy blast b) Brown leaf spot of Rice c) Bacterial leaf blight d) Rice tungro

89. Phytoalexin inducers viz ferric chloride, nickel nitrate etc., offer protection against
a) Blast b) Rice tungro c) Brown leaf spot d) Bacterial leaf blight

90. False smut of Rice is caused by
a) Neovossia horrida b) Entyloma oryzae c) Ustilago scitaminae d) Ustilaginoidea virens

91. The causal agent of foot rot or Bakane disease of rice produces
a) Gibberellic acid b) Fusaric acid c) Both d) None

92. Red rot of Sugarcane is caused by
a) Colletotrichum falcatum b) Acremonium sp c) Leptosphaera sacchari d) Drechslera sacchari

93. The causal agent of Grassy shoot disease in sugarcane is caused by
a) Bacterium b) Virus c) Phytoplasma d) Vascular fungi

94. Stunting disease of sugarcane is caused by
a) Clavibacter xyli subsp.xyli b) Corynebacterium michiganense c) Fusarium sacchari d) Mycoplasma

95. Soil drenching with 0.4% bleaching powder is effective in reducing
a) Leaf scald b) Wilt c) Red rot d) Smut

96. Bacterial blight or black arm of cotton is incited by
a) Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri b) X. campestris pv.malvacearum c) Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris d) Xanthomonas campestris pv.oryzae

97. Sudden and complete wilting in cotton is due to
a) Root rot by Rhizoctonia solani b) Root rot by Rhizoctonia bataticola c) Both d) Vascular wilt

98. Apple scab is caused by
a) Podosphaera leucotricha b) Spilocema pomi c) Venturia inaequalis d) Armillaria mellea

99. Citrus exocartis is transmitted through
a) Infected bud wood b) Budding knife c) Seed d) Both knife and bud wood

100. Largest enveloped viruses
a) TSWV b) TMV c) Closterovirus d) Potyviruses

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