Admission Procedure & Eligibility Criteria For Bachelor & Master For The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Spring-2021 Admission (ISLAMIA UNIERSITY BAHAWALPUR IUB ADMISSION 2021 LAST DATE TO APPLY ONLINE):
Islamia University Bahawalpur Admission Spring 2021:
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria
English Literature BA (Hons) English Literature: Marks in FA/FSc + Marks in Egnlish Compulsory
MA English Literature Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent English Linguistics BA (Hons) English Language,Marks in FA/FSc + Marks in Egnlish Compulsory MA English Language Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent
History BS History : Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent
BS Archeology Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent
MA History Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent MA Archeology,Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent
Pakistan Studies BS. Pakistan Studies Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent
MA Pakistan Studies Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent Persian
MA Persian Marks in BA/BSc/BCom or Equivalent Siraiki
BS Siraiki Marks in FA / FSc or Equivalent MA Siraiki Marks in BA / BSc or Equivalent
Urdu & Iqbaliat BS Urdu & Iqbaliat Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent MA Urdu & Iqbaliat Marks in BA / BSc or
Equivalent University College of Arts & Design:
Bachelor in Fine Arts & Design with specialization in Painting, Graphic Art, Sculpture, Graphic Design, Textile Design Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent +Weightage 80+20 Department of Painting
MA Fine Arts Two Years Program with specialization in Painting Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent + Weightage 80+20.
Department of Print Making MA Fine Arts Two Years Program with specialization in Print Making. Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent + Weightage 80+20.
Department of Miniature MA Fine Arts Two Years Program with Specialization in Miniature. Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent + Weightage 80+20.
Department of Sculpture MA Fine Arts Two Years Program with Specialization in Sculpture.Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent + Weightage 80+20.
Islamia University Bahawalpur Admission Spring 2021
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria
Applied Psychology BS (Hons) Applied Psychology Marks in F.A/F.Sc or Equivalent
M.Sc. Applied Psychology Marks in B.A./B.Sc or Equivalent Economics
BS Economics: Marks in FA/F.Sc or Equivalent + Weightage 80+20 MSc Economics Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalente + Weightage 80+20.
International Relations: BS International Relations Marks in FA / FSc / D.Com or Equivalent
MA International Relations Marks in BA / BSc or Equivalence:
Library & Information Science, BS Library & Information Science Marks in FA / FSc / D.Com or Equivalent MLISc Marks in BA / BSc / B.Com or Equivalent.
Media Studies: BS Media Studies Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent + Departmental Test Weightage 80+20.
MA Media Studies : Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent + Weightage 80+20.
Political Science BS Political Science Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent
BS Public Administration Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent
BS Politics & Parliamentary Studies Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent
BS (Hons) Gender Studies
Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent
MA Political Science Marks in BA / BSc or Equivalent
MA Gender Studies Marks in BA / BSc or Equivalent
Master in Public Administration Marks in BA / BSc or Equivalent.
M.A. Politics & Parliamentary Studies Marks in BA / BSc or Equivalent Social Work
MA Social Work Marks in BA / BSc or Equivalent BS Social Work Marks in BA / BSc or Equivalent.
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria
Education BS (Hons) Secondary Education Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent.
MA Education: Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent
MA Secondary Education Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent Early Childhood Education
MA Pre- School Education Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent Educational Training
B.Ed 4-years (after F.A./F.Sc.) Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent B.Ed 2.5-years (after B.A./B.Sc./ ADE) Marks in BA/BSc/ADE or Equivalent
B.Ed 1.5-years (after M.A./M.Sc./ BS)Marks in MA/MSc/BS or Equivalent
M.Ed B.Ed. 1 year Physical Education & Sports Sciences.
BS (Hons) Physical Education & Sports Sciences Marks of FA/FSc or Equivalent + Physical Efficiency Weightage 80+20.
M.Sc. Physical Education & Sports Sciences Marks of BA/BSc or Equivalent + Physical Efficiency Weightage 80+20 Special Education.
BS Special Education: Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria:
Arabic BS Arabic Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent
MA Arabic Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent Islamic Studies.
BS (Hons) Islamic Studies Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent
MA Islamic Studies Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent Department of Hadith.
MA Islamic Studies with specialization in Hadith & Seerah Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent
Department of Quran & Tafseer MA Islamic Studies with specialization in Quran & Tafseer: Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent.
Department of World Religions & Interfaith Hormony: MA Islamic studies with Specialization in Comparative Study of World Religions Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent
Department of Translation Studies BS Translation & Interpretation: Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent.
Diploma in Arabic for Understanding Quran One Year Program Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent.
Department of Fiqah & Sharia MA Islamic studies with Specialization in Fiqah & Sharia Marks in BA/BSc or Equivalent
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria.
Commerce BS Commerce Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent.
M.Com Marks obtained in B.Com.
Department of Accounting & Finance BS Accounting & Finance: Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent.
MSc Accounting & Finance Marks obtained in B.Com/BA/BSc
Management Science BBA (after 12 years of education) “Marks FA/FSc/D Com or Equivalent + Departmental Test Merit Calculation: Weightage 80+20” BBA (after 14 years of education) “Bcom/BA/BSc or Equivalent Merit Calculation: Weightage of Graduation 60% Weightage of Departmental Test 30% Interview 10%”
Department of Technology Management BBA Tchnology Management: Eligibility: FA/FSc/D Com or Equivalent + Departmental Test Weightage 80+20″
Department of Innovation & Entrepreneurship “BS Innovation & Enterpreneurship (after 12 years education)”FA/FSc/D Com or Equivalent Departmental Test Weightage 80+20,
Diploma in Innovation & Entrepreneurship (after 12 years education) Duration 1 year “FA/FSc/D Com or Equivalent Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Department of Tourism: BS Tourism & Hospitality Management(after 12 years education) duration 4 years ” FA/FSc/D Com or Equivalent.Departmental Test Weightage 80+20″.
Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management(after 12 years education) duration 1 year “FA/FSc/D Com or Equivalent Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria
Pharmacy “Pharm-D”Criteria: 80% of FSc (Pre Medical) + 20% Department Test OR 80% of BSc (Pre Medical) + 20% of Department Test . Eligibility 60% marks (1st Div.) in FSc (Pre-Medical) or 60% marks (1st Div.) in ”
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria
Botany BS Botany: “FSc Pre-Medical or Equivalent + Marks in MCAT/ Departmental Test Weightage 80+20 ” Chemistry
BS Chemistry”FSc Pre-Medical, A-Level with Chemistry + Marks in MCAT/ Departmetnal Test Weightage 80+20″
MSc Chemistry”Marks in BSc with Chemistr Departmental Test Weightage 80+20″
Geography BS Geography Marks in F.A./F.Sc or Equivalent MSc Geography “Marks in BA, BSc, or Equivalent.
Mathematics BS Mathematics “F.Sc./ICS with Mathematics or Equivalent. Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”.
MSc Mathematics”Marks in BA/BSc with Math. Departmental Test Weightage 80+20″
Statistics,BS Statistics “FA/FSc or Equivalent + Marks in NAT/ Departmental Test Weightage 80+20 “.
MSc Statistics: “B.A. /B.Sc. or Equivalent Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Zoology BS Zoology “FSc. Pre-Medical or A level Eligibility for Admission: FSc with Physics & Mathematics only Weightage 80+20”
Institute of Physics, BS Physics: “FSc. Pre-Engineering or A level Eligibility for Admission: FSc with Physics & Mathematics only Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
MSc Physics ,“Marks in BSc Eligibility for Admission: BSc with Physics & Mathematics. Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
BS Biochemistry “FSc Pre-Medical, Fsc Pre Engineering , A-Level with Chemistry + Marks in MCAT/Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
BS Biotechnology: FSc Pre-Medical, Fsc Pre Engineering , A-Level with Chemistry + Marks in MCAT/Departmental Test Weightage 80+20″
BS Bioinformatics “FSc Pre-Medical, Fsc Pre Engineering , A-Level with Chemistry + Marks in MCAT/Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria
Department of Electrical Power Engineering BSc Electrical Power Engineering No Change Department of Electronic Engineering
BSc Electronic Engineering No Change Department of Computer Systems Engineering BSc Computer Systems Engineering No Change
Department of Telecommunication Engineering BSc Telecommunication Engineering No Change Department of Civil Engineering BSc Civil Engineering No Change
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria
Computer Science BS (CS) “ICS/FSc/I.Com and FA with any one of the following subjects: Computer Science/ Statistics /Economics/ Mathematics/Physics/ Commerce . Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”.
MCS, “BA/BSc or Equivalent. Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”.
BS (IS) “ICS/FSc/I.Com and FA with any one of the following subjects: Computer Science/ Statistics /Economics/ Mathematics/Physics/ Commerce . Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Department of Information Technology BS IT.”ICS/FSc/I.Com and FA with any one of the following subjects: Computer Science/ Statistics /Economics/ Mathematics/Physics/ Commerce . Departmental Test Weightage 80+20″.
Department Artificial Intelligence BS Artificial Intelligence “ICS/FSc/I.Com and FA with any one of the following subjects: Computer Science/ Statistics /Economics/ Mathematics/Physics/ Commerce . Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Department of Information Security: BS Information and Cyber Security “ICS/FSc/I.Com and FA with any one of the following subjects: Computer Science/ Statistics /Economics/ Mathematics/Physics/ Commerce . Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”.
Department of Data Science BS Data Science “ICS/FSc/I.Com and FA with any one of the following subjects: Computer Science/ Statistics /Economics/ Mathematics/Physics/ Commerce . Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Department of Software Engineering BS Software Engineering “ICS/FSc/I.Com and FA with any one of the following subjects: Computer Science/ Statistics /Economics/ Mathematics/Physics/ Commerce . Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine ( DVM) DVM “FSc (Pre-Medical) or Equivalent marks in MCAT/NAT Weightage 80+20”
BS(Hons)Animal Sciences Marks in FSc (Pre-Medical) or Equivalent Livestock Management
“Livestock Diploma 2-years Criteria: Matric with Science as major(Biology or quivalent exam from recognized Board Secondry Education, Pakistan.”
Department of Applied Microbiology BS (Hons) Applied Microbiology Marks in FSc (Pre-Medical) or Equivalent
Department of Physiology BS (Hons) Physiology Marks in FSc (Pre-Medical) or Equivalent
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria.
Agriculture: BSc (Hons) Agriculure “FSc Pre-medical / Pre-engineering + marks in Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Environmental Science, BS Environmental Sciences (M+E) “FSc Pre-medical / Pre-engineering + marks in Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Forestry, range and Wildlife Management BS Forestry(M+E) “FSc Pre-medical / Pre-engineering + marks in Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Department of PLANT PATHOLOGY BSc(Hons) Plant Pathology “FSc Pre-medical / Pre-engineering + marks in Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”
Name of Department, Programs Proposed Admission Criteria
Law “LLB (5-years) .under semester system” “Marks in FA/FSc or Equivalent + marks in LAT Test Minimum Eligibility Criteria: i) F.A./F.Sc. or Equivalent ii) Passing of LAT test by HEC with 50 marks at least iii) Weightage 80+20”
Name of Department Programs Proposed Admission Criteria
University Collage of Conventional Medicine BEMS 50% in FSc (Pre-Medical)/BSc (Botany,Zology & Chemistry) BHMS 50% in FSc (Pre-Medical)/BSc (Botany,Zology & Chemistry) DHMS equivalency as FSc( Homeo Group) from IBBC
Department of Physical Therapy BSc (Hons) “FSc Pre-Medical with minimum 60% + marks Marks in MCAT/ Departmental Test Weightage 80+20 ”
Department of Human Diet & Nutrition:
BSc (Hons) Human Diet & Nutrition “FSc Pre-Medical or Equivalent + Marks in MCAT/ Departmental Test Weightage 80+20”.
For Online Apply For IUB Undergraduate NAT Test For Spring-2021
IUB-Admission-Test-UnderGrauate-Spring-2021-Schedule-IUB-Spcieal-NAT-Test.Admission Procedure & Eligibility Criteria For Bachelor & Master For The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Spring-2021 Admission (ISLAMIA UNIERSITY BAHAWALPUR IUB ADMISSION 2021 LAST DATE TO APPLY ONLINE).