MBA Student In Sydney University 2021 & 2022

Current MBA student. Future anything.

My name is Liz Adeniji, I work for Yahoo 7, and head up the Platform Sales Team here in Australia. I really started off my career in the mid-2000s when I had the opportunity to work at Microsoft. It was at the time when they were launching their search engine and market. 

I was there for about six or seven years. In that time, I had the opportunity to work across a number of their different platforms and products, such as MSN, Messenger, Hotmail and Xbox. 

It is working at Microsoft that led me to Australia where I worked out of their team in Ninemsn. The Business School gives me the tools and frameworks required to define my own future. 

What I love most about the MBA at the Business School is that you’re not just learning theory, you’re given the opportunity to apply what you’re learning in class to real-life business situations. 

I see a future where everyday devices are connected through the Internet and it’s called the Internet of Things. This is where your phone, your watch, your fridge, your car, your table, they’re all connected through the Internet and communicating with each other. 

In a world where there’s going to be more data emitted than there is today, understanding how to use that data, not only to achieve business objectives and profitability but also, to ensure that you’re protecting the customers that you’re seeking to serve. I see myself being in the epicentre of that and making changes in what the future looks like.

Discover our full-time MBA

In an increasingly complex world understanding the fundamentals of business is no longer enough. Future business leaders need to be resilient, adaptable, progressive and influential to succeed on a global stage. That’s why we’ve launched our new full-time MBA.

Like most MBA programs, you’ll get a deep understanding of finance, marketing and strategy but you’ll also learn how to harness big data, leverage the power of creativity, explore complex systems and learn how to lead in a digital world.

You’ll study on a beautiful campus in the heart of one of the world’s most iconic, dynamic and livable cities Taught over an 18 month period, the program focuses on personal and inter-personal skill development, business knowledge and skill development, and building future enterprises.

You’ll learn by doing, in a small, diverse class of professionals from around the globe in one of the world’s leading business school’s. 

Throughout the course, you’ll have access to unique internship opportunities and you’ll be supported by a personalized career service that will connect you to some of the world’s largest, global brands. The best thing about the MBA for me is how much I’ve been able to learn from my cohort. 

Being able to study people from all different demographics and all different kinds of experiences, is hugely enlightening. The Business School gives me the tools and frameworks required to define my own future.

We are internationally accredited and our management education programs are consistently ranked number 1 in Australia and our graduates are ranked the most employable in Australia and fourth in the world, according to the QS Employability Rankings.

With over 320,000 University alumni and 56,000 Business School alumni across the world, you’ll have access to a powerful, global network. Achieve your future anything with our new full-time MBA from Australia’s first university. 

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