PARC, NARC-Jobs, Agriculture Plant Pathology MCQs for Written Test-2024 for the Post of Scientific Officer and Assistant Scientific Officer Part-V

PARC Jobs, NARC-Jobs, Agriculture Plant Pathology MCQs for Written Test-2024 for the Post of Scientific Officer and Assistant Scientific Officer

1. White rust of crucifers is caused by
a) Plasmodiophora brassicae b) Olpidium brassicae c) Albugo candida d) Alternaria brassicae

2. Captan as fungicide was introduced by
a) Kittleson b) Von Schemling and Kulka c) Millardet d) Tisdale

3. 1% Bordeaux mixture is a combination of
a) 10 kg copper sulphate + 10 kg lime + 100 lt water b) 1kg copper sulphate + 1kg Sod. carbonate + 100 lt water c) 1kg copper sulphate + 1kg Lime + 100 lt water d) 10kg copper sulphate + 10kg Lime + 1000 lt water

4. Bordeaux mixture was an accidental discovery for
a) Downy mildew of grapes b) Powdery mildew of grapes c) Anthracnose of grapes d) Late blight of Potato

5. Wheat mosaic virus is transmitted by
a) Fungi b) Nematode c) Leafhopper d) Mealy bug

6. Tobacco rattle virus has
a) Two rods b) Single rod c) Three rods d) Four rods

7. Oxanthiin group of systemic fungicides are effective against
a) Smuts b) Rusts c) Both d) None

8. Organic sulphur fungicides are derived from
a) Thiourea b) Dithiocarbamic acid c) Phosphoric acid d) Sulphur

9. Tulip colour braking virus belongs to
a) Poty viruses b) Como viruses c) Cucumo viruses d) Clostero virus

10. Citrus Tristeza Virus is transmited by
a) Aphid b) Psyllid c) White fly d) Leaf hopper

11. Gram +ve plant pathogen
a) Streptomyces b) Clavibacter c) Erwinia d) None

12. Variability in bacteria is brought about by
a) Conjugation, transformation, transduction b) Binary fission, transformation, budding c) Binary fission, Conjugation, budding d) Transduction, fragmentation, budding

13. The fungus Rhizopus Stolonifer is used to produce
a) Alcohol b) Fumaric acid c) Vitamin d) Antibiotic

14. Common blight of beans is due to
a) Xanthomonas campestris pv.phaseoli b) Xanthomonas arboricola pv.pruni c) Xanthomonas campestris pv.vesicatoria d) Pseudomonas syringe pv.syringe

15. Bacterial soft rot of vegetables is due to
a) Erwinia caratovora pv.caratovora b) Streptomyces scabies c) Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris d) Pseudomonas syringe

16. Physical properties of virus are
a) Dilution end point, thermal inactivation point, longevity invitro b) Local lesions, necrotic lesions, infectivity c) Translocation in plants, local lesion symptoms, systemic symptoms

17. Fungus transmitting tobacco necrosis is
a) Ceratocystis paradoxa b) Olpidium brassicae c) Trichodorus d) Heterodera

18. Nematode transmitting grape fan leaf virus
a) Xiphinema index b) Longidorus c) Trichodorus d) Heterodera

19. Bacterial pathogens which donot induce hypersensitive response on any plant
a) Pseudomonas & Xanthomonas b) Agrobacterium & Clavibacter c) Pseudomonas & Erwinia d) Xanthomonas & Agrobacterium

20. Potato leaf roll virus is transmitted by
a) Myzus persicae b) Thrips tabaci c) Phytoptis ribis d) Aceria cajani

21. Veinal clearing and veinal chlorosis of leaf is the chief symptom of the disease
a) Leaf curl of chilli b) Tomato leaf curl c) Bhendi yellow vein mosaic d) Tomato spotted wilt virus

22. Citrus variegated is due to
a) Xylem limited fastidious vascular bacteria b) Virus c) Bacteria d) Protozoa

23. Existence of formae specialis was first demonstrated by
a) Erikkson b) Stakman c) Anton de Bary d) Prevost

24. Main source of uredospores of Puccinia graminis tritici are
a) Nilgiri and Palani hills b) Foot hills of Himalayas c) Darjeeling hills d) Western Ghat hills

25. Primary inoculum of brown and yellow rust comes from
a) Foot hills of Himalayas b) Nilgiri and Palani hills c) Hills of Western Ghat d) Darjeeling hills

26. Rice Tungro virus has two kinds of particles which are
a) Bacilliform and spherical/isometric b) Both bacilliform c) Both spherical d) Both isometrical

27. Rice Tungro virus is transmitted by
a) Leaf hoppers b) White flies c) Aphids d) Mites

28. The cause of Rice Yellows disease is a
a) Virus b) Spiroplasma c) Phytoplasma d) Bacteria

29. The causal organism of Bacterial leaf blight of Rice is
a) Xanthomonas campestris pv oryzicola b) Xanthomonas campestris pv oryzae c) Pyricularia oryzae d) Ephelis oryzae

30. Reserve food material of of bacteria
a) B-Hydroxybutarate b) Cellulose c) Glucan d) Levans

31. The use of Agar agar was first explained by
a) Walther and Frau hesse b) Ishi c) Suslow d) Wigert

32. Plant virus used as vector for gene transfer
a) Cucumovirus b) Caulimovirus b) Carlavirus d) Geminivirus

33. Paring and prolinage are done to manage
a) Banana decline b) Citrus decline c) Root knot d) Golden nematode of potato

34. Pine apple smell is noticed in sugarcane due to a disease
a) Redrot b) Sett rot c) Wilt d) Ring spot

35. Tobacco streak virus comes under
a) Illarvirus b) Bromo virus c) Potyvirus d) Comovirus

36. The founder of mycology was
a) Linnaeus b) Anton de Bary c) P.A.Micheli d) E.J.Butler

37. Species Plantarum is the greatest contribution of
a) P.A.Micheli b) Saccardo c) Linnaeus d) Kuhn

38. With regard to nutrition Erysiphe is
a) Ecto Parasite b) Endo parasite c) Both a & b d) None of the above

39. The class ends with
a) Mycotina b) Mycetes c) Mycetales d) None of these

40. First plant resistance gene Hm-1 is isolated from corn by
a) S.P. Briggs and Walton b) B.J. Staskawicz c) P.J.G.M.De Wit d) G.B.Martin

41. Pycnidia are formed in order
a) Moniliales b) Melanconiales c) Sphaeropsidales d) Erisyphales

42. Anterior tinsel flagellum is characteristics of
a) Chytridiomycetes b) Hyphochytridiomycetes c) Both a & b d) None of these

43. B.B.Mundkur wrote
a) Fungi and Disease in Plants b) Fungi and Plant diseases c) The Fungi d) Plant diseases

44. Which one of the following is known as Downy mildew fungus
a) Erysiphe b) Sclerospora c) Taphrina d) Podosphaera

45. Rust teleutospore on germination produce
a) Four basidiospores b) Two basidiospores c) Indefinite basidiospores d) None of these

46. Fungi and Disease of plant was written by
a) B.B.Mundkur b) E.J.Butler c) P.R.Mehta d) Prevost

47. Used lens for the first time to study microorganism
a) Robert Koch b) Antony Van Leeuwenhoek c) Louis Pasteur d) T.J.Burill

48. Domestic Quarantine exist on
a) Rice Blast b) Red rot of Sugarcane c) Wart of Potato d) Wheat rust

49. Once the pathogen has established in an area, steps taken to remove or destroy is known as
a) Exclusion b) Eradication c) Protection d) Prevention

50. Loose smut of wheat can be controlled by
a) Spray of fungicide on the crop b) Seed treatment c) Soil treatment d) Crop rotation

PARC Jobs, NARC-Jobs, Agriculture Plant Pathology MCQs for Written Test-2024 for the Post of Scientific Officer and Assistant Scientific Officer

51. Flag smut of wheat is caused by
a) Ustilago tritici b) Urocystis tritici c) Ustilago hordei d) Ustilago nuda

52. Agallol is used for
a) Seed treatment b) Soil treatment c) Crop spray d) Fumigation

53. Leaf roll of potato is caused by
a) Fungus b) Spiroplasma c) Virus d) Bacteria

54. Phytopathometry book is written by
a) R.S.Singh b) C.D. Mayee c) S.Nagarajan d) A. Mahadevan

55. Foot rot of Papaya is caused by
a) Phytophthora palmivora b) Pythium aphanidermatum c) Peronospora parasitica d) Perenoscelerospora cubense

56. Pythiaceous and allied fungi monograph is written by
a) E.J.Butler b) K.C.Mehta c) B.Mundkar d) Y.L.Nene

57. Striga is a plant parasite included in
a) Fungi b) Mycoplasma like organisms c) Phanerogamic plant parasites d) Bacteria

58. Khaira disease in rice is noticed by
a) Y.L.Nene b) S.N.Dasgupta c) M.K.Patel d) E.J.Butler

59. Transduction is a process of multiplication in
a) Fungi b) Bacteria c) Bacteriophages d) Nematode

60. The organisms lacking a well defined nucleus are termed
a) Prokaryote b) Fungi c) Eukaryote d) Protozoa

61. The organisms in the order Peronosporales cause the disease known as
a) Rust b) Smut c) Downy mildew d) Powdery mildew

62. First president of Indian PhytoPathological Society
a) J.F.Dastur b) E.J.Butler c) B.Mundkar d) M.K.Patel

63. Exclusion of plant disease by legislation is known as
a) Disease resistance b) Plant quarantine c) Biological control of plant d) Cultural control

64. In India Destructive insect and pest act was promulgated in the year
a) 1912 b) 1914 c) 1922 d) 1947

65. Salicylic acid is associated with with SAR is discovered by
a) S.P. Briggs and Walton b) B.J. Staskawicz c) D.F.Klessig and J.Ryals d) G.B.Martin

66. Fungi which can grow only on living host plant are called
a) Obligate saprophytes b) Obligate parasites c) Facultative parasites d) Saprophytes

67. Ergotism was first time observed by
a) Thoullier b) P.A.Micheli c) B.Prevost d) Homer

68. Pulley wheel shape ascospores are seen in
a) Claviceps b) Penicillium c) Aspergillus d) a&c

69. Thread like ascospores are seen in
a) Claviceps b) Sclerotinia c) Aspergillus d) Venturia

70. Haullucinogenic fungi
a) Psilocybe b) Armillaria c) Boletus d) Volvariella

71. Bioluminescence mushroom
a) Psilocybe b) Armillaria c) Boletus d) Volvariella

72. Lycomarasmin toxin is toxic in the presence of
a) Light b) Iron c) Copper d) Ammonia

73. Fungitoxic property of piricularin toxin is destroyed by
a) Copperoxide b) Light c) Pyridoxine d) Iron

74. Phenomenon of hetrothallism was discovered in 1904 by
a) A.F. Blakeslee b) E.J.Butler c) S.E.Lindlow d) E.F.Smith

75. A delecious food called Tempeh is prepared in Indonesia by
a) Rhizopus b) Penicillium c) Aspergillus d) a&c

76. Circinate appendages in suspensor are seen in
a) Pilobolus b) Absidia c) Rhizopus d) Mucor

77. Tongue like suspensor is present in
a) Pilobolus b) Absidia c) Rhizopus d) Mucor

78. Ergotism is caused by
a) Claviceps b) Sphacelotheca c) Tolyposporium d) Ustilago

79. Which are the cellulose attacking fungi at the time of decomposition of organic compound?
a) Trichoderma, Aspergillus b) Ganoderma, Psalliotta c) Albugo, Puccinia d) Pythium, macrophomina

80. Which of them is a poisonous mushroom?
a) Agaricus b) Volvariella c) Pleurotus d) Amanita

81. Which one of the following shows the symbiotic relationship?
a) Rhizobium b) Azotobacter c) Clostridium d) Nitrosomonas

82. Consider the following process on the host plant occurring during pathogenesis
1) Landing of inoculum 2) Penetration 3) Germination 4) Recognition 5) Establishment and sporulation correct sequence of these processes is:
a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 b) 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 c) 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 d) 4, 1, 2, 3, 5

83. The severity of disease club root of crucifers can be reduced by the application of
a) Lime b) Gypsum c) FYM d) Fertilizers

84. Weed of the laboratory
a) Neurospora b) Aspergillus c) Rhizopus d) a&b

85. Which of them is a gram-positive bacterium?
a) Xanthomonas b) Pseudomonas c) Erwinia d) Corynebacterium

86. Ascochyta belong to order
a) Sphaeropsidales b) Melanconiales c) Sporobolomycetales d) Cryptococcales

87. Geniculate type of conidiopores are seen in
a) Cercospora b) Botrytis c) Alternaria d) Fusarium

88. When bacterial cells are subjected to unfavourable conditions they form
a) Oospores b) Zoospores c) Endospores d) Cyst

89. Association of fungi with roots of higher plants is known as
a) Lichen b) Mycorrhiza c) Ascolichen d) Basidiolichen

90. Mycoplasma disease of plant was first reported by
a) Butler b) Brefeld c) De Bary d) Doi et al and Ishiie et al

91. Fusarium produces
a) Macroconidia b) Microconidia c) Chlamydospores d) All

92. Conidia are arranged like necklace of beads in
a) Monilia b) Neurospora c) Botrytis d) a&b

93. The hypae branches at right angle, below the septa and show distict constrictions at the point of origin in
a) Rhizoctonia b) Fusarium c) Verticillium d) Curvularia

94. Powdery mildew fungi belong to the family
a) Erysiphaceae b) Hypocreaceae c) Hyphomycetaceae d) Nectriaceae

95. First plant parasitic bacteria was reported by
a) T.J.Burill b) Needham c) Louis Pasteur d) Leeuwenhoek

96. Black heart of potato is caused due to deficiency of
a) Boron b) Zinc c) Iron d) Oxygen

97. In which rust pustules are arranged in end to end manner and forming stripe
a) Yellow rust b) Orange rust c) Black rust d) White rust

98. Cigar-end disease of banana is caused by
a) V.theobromae b) V. albo-atrum c) V. dahliae d) V. tricorpus

99. Filiform, curved, walking stick like conidia are formed by
a) Phomopsis b) Phoma c) Septoria d) Diplodia

100. Basidiospores discharged violently are called as
a) Ballistospores b) Statismospores c) Planospores d) Aplanospores

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